Dr. Rick Savage became pastor of Bethel Baptist Church of Jackson, Tennessee, in 1989. It has been a chief joy and delight of Pastor Savage’s life to serve the wonderful members of this incredible church for over thirty-four years.
In over forty years of preaching, his ministry is characterized by faithfulness and integrity and is also defined by a testimony for rightly dividing the Word of Truth. He demonstrates great compassion for the lost and a deep love for our congregation.
Throughout the years, God has greatly blessed the ministries of Bethel under the leadership of Dr. Savage. The church has experienced tremendous growth in attendance and outreach capabilities. These outreach ministries include Jackson and the surrounding communities and reach worldwide through the extensive support of missionaries and by founding Far East Baptist Missions International.
Churches often invite Dr. Savage to preach at couple retreats, youth camps, missions, and family and stewardship conferences. He has seen many souls saved and lives changed through this form of outreach.
Pastor Savage and his wife Debbie have been married since 1978 and have four adult children and thirteen grandchildren.